Aboda Salon

A glimpse into Aboda Salon apartment

古くから格式と落ち着きがある広尾にひっそりと佇むAboda salon。一歩足を踏み入れると、都心の喧騒を離れた清廉で静寂な空間が広がる。厳選した上質な素材やアートは、訪れる人にラグジュアリーな高揚感を提供し、静謐なミニマル空間は、五感を豊かに刺激する。

It is neither light nor dark as I enter this unique place in Tokyo.
Welcomed by a work of art, Aboda Salon intrigues me.
The entrance is designed as a lounge, a buffer zone, where guests can appreciate the simplicity of the decoration and the subtle play of light.

Silence again.
From the minute I entered the Aboda Salon, the disconnection with the outside was immediate.

Silence is not only what we hear but also what we perceive.
This was indeed the wish of Fumio Takashima, designer of the place.
The art and objects found here suggest calm. But not only.
The high-end furniture signed by Time & Style, Fritz Hansen and Cassina are here to invite you to relax.

Exploring the dining area, I discover a centered table ready to welcome guests next to the open kitchen.
Made of stainless steel, a intended cold material to emphasize the tranquility of the place, I believe "Les Fins Gourmets" will be delighted to cook in such high-end kitchen.
I heard private events were held with chefs cooking exquisite dishes for prestigious guests.

To heighten the sense of brightness and space, large windows connect the living room to the terrace.
Exploring more, I can admire the blend of a contemporary terrace and a traditional Japanese garden.
With a quince tree on my left and a maple tree on my right, I'm invited to seat.

It is a time of self-reflection.

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スマート・ラグジュアリー LIFESTYLE